Note: You are looking at a static snapshot of documentation related to Robot Framework automations. The most recent documentation is at

Control Room API and webhooks

Control Room aims to enable API-based use cases. We can't wait to see what our users come up with using the power of our APIs! So, expect more and more APIs to be made available in the near future.

For full documentation, please see Control Room API documentation.

Note: The old Workspace-scoped APIs have been deprecated but will be available until the 15th of January 2025. To access the documentation of the old endpoints, please see Process API and Robot API.

Workspace-scope keys

The keys for the Control Room API are Workspace-scoped. Authorized users can create API keys that can have a number of permissions associated with them to perform actions inside the Workspace, e.g., managing Workers, Processes, and Task Packages.

API key creation and access control

To create a new Workspace-scoped API key:

  1. Navigate to the workspace you want to create the API key and look for the Integrations section on the left side of the screen: Workspace API access in Control Room
  2. Click on the Add button. Provide a name for your key and select the operations that you want to associate with the key. In our example, we are allowing our key to be used to access information about Task Packages, Step Runs and Process Run outputs, but not being able to write Task Packages or use Assets: Workspace API access: create key
  3. Your new key will appear in the listing. You can see which access permissions have been assigned to it and information about its usage. Click on the View button to see the value of the key. You can edit the key or delete it by clicking on the ... button. Workspace API access: create key

Remember to store the API key in a secure way!

Usage example

Here is an example that uses curl to get the information about the runs for a process in a workspace.

curl --request POST "" --header "accept: application/json" --header "Authorization: RC-WSKEY YOUR_APIKEY_HERE" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{}"
  • The request method must be POST.
  • The API key must be passed in a header using the format "Authorization: RC-WSKEY YOUR_APIKEY_HERE".
  • The Content-Type header must be set to application/json.
  • You can pass additional data to the process by passing a JSON object as the body of the request.

For this call to be successful, the API key that we are using would need to:

  • be associated with the correct workspace (YOUR_WORKSPACE_ID)
  • have the read_runs permission.

API documentation

Head over to our dedicated API documentation: Control Room API documentation

User Access Credentials

User access credentials are associated with a specific user, and are used when setting up Robocorp Code for VS Code, Robocorp Workforce Agent, Robocorp Assistant, and RCC. You can see and maintain your access credentials by accessing your user profile in Control Room, and clicking on the Access Credentials menu item.

Last edit: October 26, 2023