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The Excel.Files library can be used to read and write Excel files without the need to start the actual Excel application.

It supports both legacy .xls files and modern .xlsx files.

Note: To run macros or load password protected worksheets, please use the Excel application library.


Robot Framework

A common use-case is to load an existing Excel file as a table, which can be iterated over later in a Robot Framework keyword or task:

*** Settings *** Library RPA.Tables Library RPA.Excel.Files *** Keywords *** Read orders as table Open workbook ${ORDERS_FILE} ${worksheet}= Read worksheet header=${TRUE} ${orders}= Create table ${worksheet} [Return] ${orders} [Teardown] Close workbook

Processing all worksheets in the Excel file and checking row count:

*** Settings *** Library RPA.Excel.Files *** Variables *** ${EXCEL_FILE} /path/to/excel.xlsx *** Tasks *** Rows in the sheet [Setup] Open Workbook ${EXCEL_FILE} @{sheets}= List Worksheets FOR ${sheet} IN @{sheets} ${count}= Get row count in the sheet ${sheet} Log Worksheet '${sheet}' has ${count} rows END *** Keywords *** Get row count in the sheet [Arguments] ${SHEET_NAME} ${sheet}= Read Worksheet ${SHEET_NAME} ${rows}= Get Length ${sheet} [Return] ${rows}

Creating a new Excel file with a dictionary:

*** Tasks *** Creating new Excel Create Workbook my_new_excel.xlsx FOR ${index} IN RANGE 20 &{row}= Create Dictionary ... Row No ${index} ... Amount ${index * 25} Append Rows to Worksheet ${row} header=${TRUE} END Save Workbook

Creating a new Excel file with a list:

*** Variables *** @{heading} Row No Amount @{rows} ${heading} *** Tasks *** Creating new Excel Create Workbook my_new_excel.xlsx FOR ${index} IN RANGE 1 20 @{row}= Create List ${index} ${index * 25} Append To List ${rows} ${row} END Append Rows to Worksheet ${rows} Save Workbook


The library can also be imported directly into Python.

from RPA.Excel.Files import Files def read_excel_worksheet(path, worksheet): lib = Files() lib.open_workbook(path) try: return lib.read_worksheet(worksheet) finally: lib.close_workbook()