
module RPA.Process

class RPA.Robocorp.Process.Process

Process(workspace_id: Optional[str] = None, process_id: Optional[str] = None, workspace_api_key: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)

A library for interacting with Control Room (CR) Process API endpoints.

See Unattended processes for information about process run, step run and work item states.

See APIs and webhooks for information about Control Room APIs.

The Process API endpoint is defined by RC_API_PROCESS_HOST environment variable, which is available during Robocorp Workforce Agent runs.


Robot Framework

In the following example a task creates two input work items, and starts a process with those items. This results in 2 different process runs in the Control Room.

Robot Framework

In the following example a task creates work item with files. To include files in a work item, the item needs to be created before starting the process (note. different start keyword than above).

In this example I am using same keywords and settings from above example.

Download from process runs artifacts all matching files


List work items in Control Room and retry failed items.

from RPA.Robocorp.Process import Process from RPA.Robocorp.Vault import Vault secrets = Vault().get_secret("ProcessAPI") process = Process( secrets["workspace_id"], secrets["process_id"], secrets["apikey"] ) def retry_failed_items(): items = process.list_process_work_items() for item in items: if item["state"] == "FAILED": print("FAILED work item: %s" % item["id"]) result = process.retry_work_item(item["id"]) print(result) if __name__ == "__main__": retry_failed_items()

Download from process runs artifacts all “.xlsx” files

from RPA.Robocorp.Process import Process from RPA.HTTP import HTTP def download_artifacts_matching(filematch=".xlsx"): work_items = process.list_process_work_items() for item in work_items: artifacts = process.list_run_artifacts( process_run_id=item["processRunId"], step_run_id=item["activityRunId"] ) for artifact in artifacts: if filematch in artifact["fileName"]: download_link = process.get_robot_run_artifact( process_run_id=item["processRunId"], step_run_id=item["activityRunId"], artifact_id=artifact["id"], filename=artifact["fileName"] ) target_filepath = os.path.join( os.getenv("ROBOT_ARTIFACTS"), f"{artifact['fileName']}" ) HTTP().download( url=download_link, target_file=target_filepath, overwrite=True, stream=True )







property base_api : str

property base_api : str

method create_input_work_item

create_input_work_item(payload: Optional[Any] = None, files: Optional[Union[str, List]] = None, process_id: Optional[str] = None)

Create an input work item for a process

  • payload – work item data
  • files – absolute filepaths as single string or list
  • process_id – specific process to which item belongs to
  • Returns: The integer that represents the work item id

method get_process_id_by_name

get_process_id_by_name(process_name: str, workspace_id: Optional[str] = None)

Get a process id of the process by name

  • process_name – name of the process in the Control Room
  • workspace_id – specific Control Room workspace to which process belongs to
  • Returns: the next iteration id or None

method get_process_run_status

get_process_run_status(process_run_id: str, step_run_id: Optional[str] = None, process_id: Optional[str] = None)

Get a process run status by run id

  • process_run_id – id of the process run
  • step_run_id – id of the process step run
  • process_id – specific process to which runs belongs to
  • Returns: the response JSON

method get_robot_run_artifact

get_robot_run_artifact(process_run_id: str, step_run_id: str, artifact_id: str, filename: str, process_id: Optional[str] = None)

Get a download URL for a process run artifact

  • process_run_id – id of the process run
  • step_run_id – id of the process step run
  • artifact_id – id of the run artifact
  • filename – filename of the run artifact
  • process_id – specific process to which runs belongs to
  • Returns: url for file download

method get_work_item

get_work_item(workitem_id: str, include_data: bool = False, process_id: Optional[str] = None)

Get work item from Control Room

  • workitem_id – id of the work item
  • include_data – include work item payload and files in the response (default False)
  • process_id – specific process to which runs belongs to
  • Returns: the JSON of the work items associated with a given process

property headers : Dict[str, str]

property headers : Dict[str, str]

method list_process_run_work_items

list_process_run_work_items(process_run_id: Optional[str] = None, process_id: Optional[str] = None, include_data: bool = False, item_state: Optional[str] = None)

List work items belonging to a specific process run

  • process_run_id – specific process step run to which items belongs to
  • process_id – specific process to which items belongs to
  • include_data – include work item payload and files in the response (default False)
  • item_state – state of work items to return (default all)

method list_process_runs

list_process_runs(run_state: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = 10, process_id: Optional[str] = None)

List of runs related to a process

  • run_state – state of runs to return (default all)
  • limit – number of runs to return (default 10)
  • process_id – specific process to which runs belongs to
  • Returns: the JSON data of the process runs based on the provided parameters

method list_process_runs_in_workspace

list_process_runs_in_workspace(run_state: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = 10, workspace_id: Optional[str] = None)

List all process runs in a workspace

  • run_state – state of runs to return (default all)
  • limit – number of runs to return (default 10)
  • workspace_id – specific Control Room workspace to which process belongs to
  • Returns: the JSON data of the process runs based on the provided parameters

method list_process_work_items

list_process_work_items(process_id: Optional[str] = None, include_data: bool = False, item_state: Optional[str] = None)

List work items belonging to a process

  • include_data – include work item payload and files in the response (default False)
  • item_state – state of work items to return (default all)
  • process_id – specific process to which items belongs to
  • Returns: the JSON data of the process runs based on the provided parameters

method list_processes

list_processes(workspace_id: Optional[str] = None)

List all processes in a workspace

  • Parameters: workspace_id – specific Control Room workspace to which process belongs to
  • Returns: the JSON data of the process runs based on the provided parameters

method list_run_artifacts

list_run_artifacts(process_run_id: str, step_run_id: str, process_id: Optional[str] = None)

List Robot run artifacts

  • process_run_id – id of the process run
  • step_run_id – id of the process step run
  • process_id – specific process to which runs belongs to
  • Returns: the response JSON

method process_api

process_api(process_id: Optional[str] = None)

method register_file_upload

register_file_upload(filepath: str, workitem_filename: str, workitem_id: str, process_id: Optional[str] = None)

method retry_work_item

retry_work_item(work_item_id: str, process_id: Optional[str] = None)

Retry processing of work item in FAILED state

  • work_item_id – ID of the work item to retry
  • process_id – specific process to start
  • Returns: the response JSON

method set_apikey

set_apikey(apikey: Optional[str] = None)

Set Workspace API access key

  • Parameters: apikey – workspace API access key

method set_credentials

set_credentials(workspace_id: Optional[str] = None, process_id: Optional[str] = None, apikey: Optional[str] = None)

Set credentials needed by the Process API

  • workspace_id – ID of the Control Room workspace
  • process_id – ID of the Control Room process
  • apikey – workspace API access key

method set_process_id

set_process_id(process_id: Optional[str] = None)

Set Control Room process ID

  • Parameters: process_id – ID of the Control Room process

method set_workspace_id

set_workspace_id(workspace_id: Optional[str] = None)

Set Control Room workspace ID

  • Parameters: workspace_id – ID of the Control Room workspace

method start_configured_process

start_configured_process(config_type: ConfigurationType = ConfigurationType.default, extra_info: Optional[Union[str, List]] = None, process_id: Optional[str] = None)

Start a Control Room process with the provided configuration

  • config_type – type of the start, (ConfigurationType.default)
  • extra_info – data to be sent with the start, for example. work item IDs
  • process_id – specific process to start
  • Returns: string of the request response

method start_process

start_process(work_items: Optional[Union[Dict, List[Dict]]] = None, batch: bool = False, process_id: Optional[str] = None)

Start a Control Room process

  • work_items – input work items for the process (default empty)
  • batch – set to True if sending list of workitems to start each as a separate run
  • process_id – specific process to start
  • Returns: JSON of the request response

Table showing different results depending on parameter values.

NoneFalseTrigger a process with empty a work item
NoneTrueError. work_items needs to be a list
dictFalseTrigger a process with a work item containing payload of a dict
dictTrueError. work_items needs to be a list
listFalseTrigger a process with a work item containing payload of a list
listTrueTrigger multiple process runs with work items each containing payload of a dict

method upload_file_to_s3

upload_file_to_s3(filepath: str, workitem_filename: str, data: Any)

method workspace_api

workspace_api(workspace_id: Optional[str] = None)