
Handling different asset types

On the most basic level, the Asset Storage feature stores binary data that is associated with a name and information about the content type.

The Control Room UI has built several abstractions on top of it, such as directly uploading text or JSON. These different asset types can also be directly read and created from within the library.


The text methods can be used for directly reading and writing plaintext assets, with the content type text/plain.

from robocorp import storage from robocorp.tasks import task @task def handle_text(): content = storage.get_text("some-text-asset") print(f"Stored text content: {content}") storage.set_text("another-text-asset", "This is a Python string stored directly")


The json methods can be used to read and write any data that can be serialized into JSON. Values read as JSON are automatically deserialized into Python objects. They have the content type application/json.

from robocorp import storage from robocorp.tasks import task @task def handle_json(): value = storage.get_json("some-json-asset") print(f"Stored JSON content: {value}") storage.set_json("another-json-asset", { "key": "value", "another-key": { "nested-key": "nested-value", }, })


The file methods are an abstraction that help with working data that exist on the file system instead of within Python code. The content type can be defined manually, but the library tries to guess it automatically based on the file's suffix.

from robocorp import storage from robocorp.tasks import task @task def handle_file(): path = storage.get_file("some-file-asset") print(f"Stored file path: {path}") storage.set_file("another-file-asset", "filename.txt")


The lowest level API, for handling arbitrary binary data and a manually defined content type:

from robocorp import storage from robocorp.tasks import task @task def handle_bytes(): data = storage.get_bytes("some-bytes-asset") print(f"Stored bytes data: {data}") storage.set_bytes( "another-bytes-asset", b"\x00\x00\x00", content_type="application/octet-stream", )