

Module used to interact with native widgets on the Windows OS through UI Automation.

This library can be made available by pinning in your dependencies' configuration.



Provides the icon stored in the file of the given path.

Returns: A PIL image with the icon image or None if it was not possible to load it.


# Get icon from file and convert it to a base64 string from robocorp import windows from io import BytesIO img = windows.get_icon_from_file('c:/temp/my.exe') buffered = BytesIO(), format="PNG") image_string = base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue()).decode()


# Get icon from file and save it in the filesystem from robocorp import windows img = windows.get_icon_from_file('c:/temp/my.exe')"c:/temp/my.png", format="PNG")

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get_icon_from_file(path: str) → Optional[ForwardRef('Image')]


Provides the desktop element (which is the root control containing top-level windows).

The elements provided by robocorp-windows are organized as: Desktop (root control)WindowElement (top-level windows)ControlElement (controls inside a window)

Returns: The Desktop element.

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desktop() → Desktop


Provides an instance to configure the basic settings such as the default timeout, whether to simulate mouse movements, showing verbose errors on failures, screenshot on error (when running with robocorp-tasks), etc.

Returns: Config object to be used to configure the settings.


from robocorp import windows config = windows.config() config.verbose_errors = True

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config() → Config


Finds the first window matching the passed locator.


  • locator: This is the locator which should be used to find the window.

  • search_depth: The search depth to find the window (by default == 1, meaning that only top-level windows will be found).

  • timeout: The search for a child with the given locator will be retried until the given timeout (in seconds) elapses. At least one full search up to the given depth will always be done and the timeout will only take place afterwards. If not given the global config timeout will be used.

  • wait_time: The time to wait after finding the window. If not passed the default value found in the config is used.

  • foreground: Whether the found window should be made top-level when found.

  • raise_error: Do not raise and return None when this is set to True and such a window isn't found.

Returns: The WindowElement which should be used to interact with the window.


window = find_window('Calculator') window = find_window('name:Calculator') window = find_window('subname:Notepad') window = find_window('regex:.*Notepad') window = find_window('executable:Spotify.exe')

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find_window( locator: str, search_depth: int = 1, timeout: Optional[float] = None, wait_time: Optional[float] = None, foreground: bool = True, raise_error: bool = True ) → Optional[ForwardRef('WindowElement')]


Finds all windows matching the given locator.


  • locator: The locator which should be used to find windows (if not given, all windows are returned).

  • search_depth: The search depth to be used to find windows (by default equals 1, meaning that only top-level windows will be found).

  • timeout: The search for a child with the given locator will be retried until the given timeout (in seconds) elapses. At least one full search up to the given depth will always be done and the timeout will only take place afterwards. If not given the global config timeout will be used. Only used if wait_for_window is True.

  • wait_for_window: Defines whether the search should keep on searching until a window with the given locator is found (note that if True and no window was found a ElementNotFound is raised).

Returns: The WindowElements which should be used to interact with the window.


window = find_windows('Calculator') window = find_windows('name:Calculator') window = find_windows('subname:Notepad') window = find_windows('regex:.*Notepad') window = find_windows('executable:Spotify.exe')

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find_windows( locator: str = 'regex:.*', search_depth: int = 1, timeout: Optional[float] = None, wait_for_window: bool = False ) → List[ForwardRef('WindowElement')]


A helper function to wait for some condition.


  • condition: The condition to be waited for.
  • timeout: The time to wait for the condition.
  • msg: An optional message to be shown in the exception if the condition is not satisfied.


  • TimeoutError: If the condition was not satisfied in the given timeout.


from robocorp import windows calc_window = windows.find_window("name:Calculator")"Close Calculator") windows.wait_for_condition(calc_window.is_disposed)

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wait_for_condition( condition: Callable[[], bool], timeout: float = 8.0, msg: Optional[Callable[[], str]] = None )

Class ControlElement

Class used to interact with a control.


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__init__(wrapped: '_UIAutomationControlWrapper')


  • automation_id

Returns: The automation id of the underlying control wrapped in this class (matches the locator automationid or id).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned.

  • bottom

Returns: The bottom bound of the control (-1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.

  • class_name

Returns: The class name of the underlying control wrapped in this class (matches the locator class).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned.

  • control_type

Returns: The control type of the underlying control wrapped in this class (matches the locator control or type).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned.

  • handle

Returns: The internal native window handle from the control wrapped in this class.

  • height

Returns: The height of the control (-1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.

  • left

Returns: The left bound of the control (-1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.

  • name

Returns: The name of the underlying control wrapped in this class (matches the locator name).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned.

  • path

Provides the relative path in which this element was found

Note: this is relative to the element which was used for the find or find_window and cannot be used as an absolute path to be used to find the control from the desktop.

  • rectangle

Returns: A tuple with (left, top, right, bottom) -- (all -1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.

  • right

Returns: The right bound of the control (-1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.

  • top

Returns: The top bound of the control (-1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.

  • ui_automation_control

Provides the Control actually wrapped by this ControlElement. Can be used as an escape hatch if some functionality is not directly covered by this class (in general this API should only be used if a better API isn't directly available in the ControlElement).

  • width

Returns: The width of the control (-1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.

  • xcenter

Returns: The x position of the center of the control (-1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.

  • ycenter

Returns: The y position of the center of the control (-1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.



Clicks an element using the mouse.


  • locator: If given the child element which matches this locator will be clicked.
  • search_depth: Used as the depth to search for the locator (only used if the locator is specified).
  • wait_time: The time to wait after clicking the element. If not passed the default value found in the config is used.
  • timeout: The search for a child with the given locator will be retried until the given timeout (in seconds) elapses. At least one full search up to the given depth will always be done and the timeout will only take place afterwards. If not given the global config timeout will be used. Only used if locator is passed.


Click using a locator:

from robocorp import windows windows.find_window('Calculator').click('id:button1')

Click customizing wait time after the click:

from robocorp import windows calculator_window = windows.find_window('Calculator') calculator_window.find('name:SendButton').click(wait_time=5.0)

Make an existing window foreground so that it can be clicked:

window.foreground_window()'name:SendButton', wait_time=5.0)

Returns: The clicked element.


The element clicked must be visible in the screen, if it's hidden by some other window or control the click will not work.


  • ActionNotPossible: if element does not allow the Click action.

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click( locator: Optional[str] = None, search_depth: int = 8, timeout: Optional[float] = None, wait_time: Optional[float] = None ) → ControlElement


Double-clicks an element using the mouse.


  • locator: If given the child element which matches this locator will be double-clicked.

  • search_depth: Used as the depth to search for the locator (only used if the locator is specified).

  • timeout: The search for a child with the given locator will be retried until the given timeout (in seconds) elapses. At least one full search up to the given depth will always be done and the timeout will only take place afterwards. If not given the global config timeout will be used. Only used if locator is passed.

  • wait_time: The time to wait after double-clicking the element. If not passed the default value found in the config is used.


Double-click using a locator:

from robocorp import windows windows.find_window('Calculator').double_click('id:button1')

Click customizing wait time after the double-click:

from robocorp import windows calculator_window = windows.find_window('Calculator') calculator_window.find('name:SendButton').double_click(wait_time=5.0)

Make an existing window foreground so that it can be double-clicked:

window.foreground_window() window.double_click('name:SendButton', wait_time=5.0)

Returns: The clicked element.


The element clicked must be visible in the screen, if it's hidden by some other window or control the double-click will not work.


  • ActionNotPossible: if element does not allow the double-click action.

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double_click( locator: Optional[str] = None, search_depth: int = 8, timeout: Optional[float] = None, wait_time: Optional[float] = None ) → ControlElement


This method may be used to find a control in the descendants of this control.

The first matching element is returned.


  • locator: The locator to be used to search a child control.

  • search_depth: Up to which depth the hierarchy should be searched.

  • timeout: The search for a child with the given locator will be retried until the given timeout (in seconds) elapses. At least one full search up to the given depth will always be done and the timeout will only take place afterwards. If not given the global config timeout will be used.

  • raise_error: Do not raise and return None when this is set to True and such a window isn't found.

Raises: ElementNotFound if an element with the given locator could not befound.

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find( locator: str, search_depth: int = 8, timeout: Optional[float] = None, raise_error: bool = True ) → Optional[ForwardRef('ControlElement')]


This method may be used to find multiple descendants of the current element matching the given locator.


  • locator: The locator that should be used to find elements.

  • search_depth: Up to which depth the tree will be traversed.

  • timeout: The search for a child with the given locator will be retried until the given timeout (in seconds) elapses. At least one full search up to the given depth will always be done and the timeout will only take place afterwards. If not given the global config timeout will be used. Only used if wait_for_element is True.

  • search_strategy: The search strategy to be used to find elements. siblings means that after the first element is found, the tree traversal should be stopped and only sibling elements will be searched. all means that all the elements up to the given search depth will be searched.

  • wait_for_element: Defines whether the search should keep on searching until an element with the given locator is found (note that if True and no element was found an ElementNotFound is raised).


Keep in mind that by default the search strategy is for searching siblings of the initial element found (so, by default, after the first element is found a tree traversal is not done and only sibling elements from the initial element are found). Use the all search strategy to search for all elements.

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find_many( locator: str, search_depth: int = 8, timeout: Optional[float] = None, search_strategy: Literal['siblings', 'all'] = 'siblings', wait_for_element=False ) → List[ForwardRef('ControlElement')]


Returns: The parent element for this control.

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get_parent() → Optional[ForwardRef('ControlElement')]


Get text from element (for elements which allow the GetWindowText action).


  • locator: Optional locator if it should target a child element.

  • search_depth: Used as the depth to search for the locator (only used if the locator is specified).

  • timeout: The search for a child with the given locator will be retried until the given timeout (in seconds) elapses. At least one full search up to the given depth will always be done and the timeout will only take place afterwards. If not given the global config timeout will be used. Only used if locator is given.

Returns: The window text of the element.


from robocorp import windows window = windows.find_window('...') date = window.get_text('type:Edit name:"Date of birth"')

Raises: ActionNotPossible if the text cannot be gotten from this element.

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get_text( locator: Optional[str] = None, search_depth: int = 8, timeout: Optional[float] = None ) → Optional[str]


Get value from element (usually used with combo boxes or text controls).


  • locator: Optional locator if it should target a child element.

  • search_depth: Used as the depth to search for the locator (only used if the locator is specified).

  • timeout: The search for a child with the given locator will be retried until the given timeout (in seconds) elapses. At least one full search up to the given depth will always be done and the timeout will only take place afterwards. If not given the global config timeout will be used. Only used if locator is given.

Returns: The value of the element.


from robocorp import windows window = windows.find_window('...') date = window.get_value('type:Edit name:"Date of birth"')

Raises: ActionNotPossible if the text cannot be gotten from this element.

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get_value( locator: Optional[str] = None, search_depth: int = 8, timeout: Optional[float] = None ) → Optional[str]


Returns: True if this control currently has keyboard focus.

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has_keyboard_focus() → bool


Returns: True if the geometry of this element is valid and False otherwise.


This value is based on cached coordinates. Call update_geometry() to check it based on the current bounds of the control.

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has_valid_geometry() → bool


Starts inspecting with this element as the root element upon which other elements will be found (i.e.: only elements under this element in the hierarchy will be inspected, other elements can only be inspected if the inspection root is changed).


from robocorp import windows windows.find_window('Calculator').inspect()

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inspect() → None


Returns: True if the underlying control is already disposed and False otherwise.

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is_disposed() → bool



  • other: The element to compare to.

Returns: True if this elements points to the same element representedby the other control.

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is_same_as(other: 'ControlElement') → bool


Iterates over all of the children of this element up to the max_depth provided.


  • max_depth: the maximum depth which should be iterated to.

Returns: An iterator of ControlElement which provides the descendants ofthis element.


Iteration over too many items can be slow. Try to keep the max depth up to a minimum to avoid slow iterations.

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iter_children(max_depth: int = 8) → Iterator[ForwardRef('ControlElement')]


Makes a screenshot of the given element and saves it into the log.html using robocorp-log. If robocorp-log is not available returns False.


  • level: The log level for the screenshot.

  • locator: Optional locator if it should target a child element.

  • search_depth: Used as the depth to search for the locator (only used if the locator is specified).

  • timeout: The search for a child with the given locator will be retried until the given timeout (in seconds) elapses. At least one full search up to the given depth will always be done and the timeout will only take place afterwards. If not given the global config timeout will be used. Only used if locator is given.

Returns: True if the screenshot was successfuly saved using robocorp-logand False otherwise.


from robocorp import windows windows.desktop().log_screenshot('ERROR')

Raises: ElementNotFound if the locator was passed but it was not possibleto find the element.

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log_screenshot( level='INFO', locator: Optional[str] = None, search_depth: int = 8, timeout: Optional[float] = None ) → bool


Middle-clicks an element using the mouse.


  • locator: If given the child element which matches this locator will be middle-clicked.

  • search_depth: Used as the depth to search for the locator (only used if the locator is specified).

  • timeout: The search for a child with the given locator will be retried until the given timeout (in seconds) elapses. At least one full search up to the given depth will always be done and the timeout will only take place afterwards. If not given the global config timeout will be used. Only used if locator is passed.

  • wait_time: The time to wait after middle-clicking the element. If not passed the default value found in the config is used.


Middle-click using a locator:

from robocorp import windows windows.find_window('Calculator').middle_click('id:button1')

Click customizing wait time after the middle-click:

from robocorp import windows calculator_window = windows.find_window('Calculator') calculator_window.find('name:SendButton').middle_click(wait_time=5.0)

Make an existing window foreground so that it can be middle-clicked:

window.foreground_window() window.middle_click('name:SendButton', wait_time=5.0)

Returns: The clicked element.


The element clicked must be visible in the screen, if it's hidden by some other window or control the middle-click will not work.


  • ActionNotPossible: if element does not allow the middle-click action.

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middle_click( locator: Optional[str] = None, search_depth: int = 8, timeout: Optional[float] = None, wait_time: Optional[float] = None ) → ControlElement


Moves the mouse to the center of this element to simulate a mouse hovering.

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mouse_hover() → None


Print a tree of control elements.

A Windows application structure can contain multilevel element structure. Understanding this structure is crucial for creating locators. (based on controls' details and their parent-child relationship)

This method can be used to output logs of application's element structure.

The printed element attributes correspond to the values that may be used to create a locator to find the actual wanted element.


  • stream: The stream to which the text should be printed (if not given, sys.stdout is used).

  • show_properties: Whether the properties of each element should be printed (off by default as it can be considerably slower and makes the output very verbose).

  • max_depth: Up to which depth the tree should be printed.


Print the top-level window elements:

from robocorp import windows windows.desktop().print_tree()


Print the tree starting at some other element:

from robocorp import windows windows.find("Calculator > path:2|3").print_tree()

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print_tree( stream=None, show_properties: bool = False, max_depth: int = 8 ) → None


Right-clicks an element using the mouse.


  • locator: If given the child element which matches this locator will be right-clicked.
  • search_depth: Used as the depth to search for the locator (only used if the locator is specified).
  • wait_time: The time to wait after right-clicking the element. If not passed the default value found in the config is used.
  • timeout: The search for a child with the given locator will be retried until the given timeout (in seconds) elapses. At least one full search up to the given depth will always be done and the timeout will only take place afterwards. If not given the global config timeout will be used. Only used if locator is passed.


Right-click using a locator:

from robocorp import windows windows.find_window('Calculator').right_click('id:button1')

Click customizing wait time after the right-click:

from robocorp import windows calculator_window = windows.find_window('Calculator') calculator_window.find('name:SendButton').right_click(wait_time=5.0)

Make an existing window foreground so that it can be right-clicked:

window.foreground_window() window.right_click('name:SendButton', wait_time=5.0)

Returns: The clicked element.


The element clicked must be visible in the screen, if it's hidden by some other window or control the right-click will not work.


  • ActionNotPossible: if element does not allow the right-click action.

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right_click( locator: Optional[str] = None, search_depth: int = 8, timeout: Optional[float] = None, wait_time: Optional[float] = None ) → ControlElement


Makes a screenshot of the given element and saves it into the given file.


  • filename: The file where the image should be saved.

  • img_format: The format in which the image should be saved (by default detects it from the filename).

  • locator: Optional locator if it should target a child element.

  • search_depth: Used as the depth to search for the locator (only used if the locator is specified).

  • timeout: The search for a child with the given locator will be retried until the given timeout (in seconds) elapses. At least one full search up to the given depth will always be done and the timeout will only take place afterwards. If not given the global config timeout will be used. Only used if locator is given.


from robocorp import windows windows.desktop().screenshot('desktop.png') windows.find_window('subname:Notepad').screenshot('output/notepad.png')

Returns: The absolute path to the image saved or None if it was not possibleto obtain the screenshot.

Raises: ElementNotFound if the locator was passed but it was not possibleto find the element.

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screenshot( filename: Union[str, Path], img_format: Optional[str] = None, locator: Optional[str] = None, search_depth: int = 8, timeout: Optional[float] = None ) → Optional[str]


Makes a screenshot of the given element and returns it as a PIL image.


  • locator: Optional locator if it should target a child element.

  • search_depth: Used as the depth to search for the locator (only used if the locator is specified).

  • timeout: The search for a child with the given locator will be retried until the given timeout (in seconds) elapses. At least one full search up to the given depth will always be done and the timeout will only take place afterwards. If not given the global config timeout will be used. Only used if locator is given.


from robocorp import windows img = windows.find_window('Notepad').screenshot_pil() if img is not None: ...

Returns: The PIL image if it was possible to do the screenshot or None ifit was not possible to do the screenshot.

Raises: ElementNotFound if the locator was passed but it was not possibleto find the element.

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screenshot_pil( locator: Optional[str] = None, search_depth: int = 8, timeout: Optional[float] = None ) → Optional[ForwardRef('Image')]


Select a value on the passed element if such action is supported.


  • value: value to select on element.

  • locator: If given the child element which matches this locator will be used for the selection.

  • search_depth: Used as the depth to search for the locator (only used if the locator is specified).

  • timeout: The search for a child with the given locator will be retried until the given timeout (in seconds) elapses. At least one full search up to the given depth will always be done and the timeout will only take place afterwards. If not given the global config timeout will be used. Only used if locator is passed.

Returns: The element used in the selection.

Raises: ActionNotPossible if the element does not allow the Select action.


This is usually used with combo box elements.

Example:"22", locator="id:FontSizeComboBox")

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select( value: str, locator: Optional[str] = None, search_depth: int = 8, timeout: Optional[float] = None ) → ControlElement


Sends the given keys to the element (simulates typing keys on the keyboard).


  • keys: The keys to be sent. Special keys may be sent as {Ctrl}{Alt}{Delete}, etc.

Some examples of valid key combinations are shown below:

'{Ctrl}a{Delete}{Ctrl}v{Ctrl}s{Ctrl}{Shift}s{Win}e{PageDown}' # press Ctrl+a, Delete, Ctrl+v, Ctrl+s, Ctrl+Shift+s, Win+e, PageDown '{Ctrl}(AB)({Shift}(123))' # press Ctrl+A+B, type '(', press Shift+1+2+3, type ')', if '()' follows a hold key, hold key won't release util ')' '{Ctrl}{a 3}' # press Ctrl+a at the same time, release Ctrl+a, then type 'a' 2 times '{a 3}{B 5}' # type 'a' 3 times, type 'B' 5 times '{{}Hello{}}abc {a}{b}{c} test{} 3}{!}{a} (){(}{)}' # type: '{Hello}abc abc test}}}!a ()()' '0123456789{Enter}' 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{Enter}' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{Enter}' '`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+{Enter}' '[]{{}{}}\|;:'",<.>/?{Enter}'
  • interval: Time between each sent key. (defaults to 0.01 seconds)

  • send_enter: If True then the {Enter} key is pressed at the end of the sent keys.

  • locator: If given the child element which matches this locator will be used to send the keys.

  • search_depth: Used as the depth to search for the locator (only used if the locator is specified).

  • timeout: The search for a child with the given locator will be retried until the given timeout (in seconds) elapses. At least one full search up to the given depth will always be done and the timeout will only take place afterwards. If not given the global config timeout will be used. Only used if locator is passed.

  • wait_time: The time to wait after sending the keys to the element. If not passed the default value found in the config is used.

Returns: The element to which the keys were sent.


from robocorp import windows windows.desktop().send_keys('{Ctrl}{F4}') windows.find_window('Calculator').send_keys('96+4=', send_enter=True)


  • ActionNotPossible: if the element does not allow the SendKeys action.

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send_keys( keys: Optional[str] = None, interval: float = 0.01, send_enter: bool = False, locator: Optional[str] = None, search_depth: int = 8, timeout: Optional[float] = None, wait_time: Optional[float] = None ) → ControlElement


Sets the view focus to the element (or elemen specified by the locator).


  • locator: Optional locator if it should target a child element.

  • search_depth: Used as the depth to search for the locator (only used if the locator is specified).

  • timeout: The search for a child with the given locator will be retried until the given timeout (in seconds) elapses. At least one full search up to the given depth will always be done and the timeout will only take place afterwards. If not given the global config timeout will be used. Only used if locator is given.


from robocorp import windows chrome = windows.find_window('executable:chrome') bt = chrome.set_focus('name:Buy type:Button')

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set_focus( locator: Optional[str] = None, search_depth: int = 8, timeout: Optional[float] = None ) → ControlElement


Set the value in the element (usually used with combo boxes ortext controls).


- <b>`value`</b>: String value to be set. - <b>`append`</b>: `False` for setting the value, `True` for appending it. (OFF by default) - <b>`enter`</b>: Set it to `True` to press the `Enter` key at the end of the input. (nothing is pressed by default) - <b>`newline`</b>: Set it to `True` to add a new line at the end of the value. (no EOL included by default; this won't work with `send_keys_fallback` enabled) - <b>`send_keys_fallback`</b>: Tries to set the value by sending it through keys if the main way of setting it fails. (enabled by default) - <b>`validator`</b>: Function receiving two parameters post-setting, the expected and the current value, which returns `True` if the two values match. (by default, the method will raise if the values are different, set this to `None` to disable validation or pass your custom function instead) - <b>`locator`</b>: Optional locator if it should target a child element. - <b>`search_depth`</b>: Used as the depth to search for the locator (only used if the `locator` is specified). - <b>`timeout`</b>: The search for a child with the given locator will be retried until the given timeout (in **seconds**) elapses. At least one full search up to the given depth will always be done and the timeout will only take place afterwards. If not given the global config timeout will be used. Only used if `locator` is given.


It is important to set append=True to keep the current text in the element. Other option is to read the current text into a variable, then modify that value as you wish and pass it to set_value for a complete text replacement. (without setting the append flag). Returns: The element object identified through the passed locator or this element if no locator was passed.


- <b>`ActionNotPossible`</b>: if the element does not allow the `SetValue` action to be run on it nor having `send_keys_fallback=True`. - <b>`ValueError`</b>: if the new value to be set can't be set correctly.


# Set value to "ab c" window.set_value('ab c', locator='type:DataItem name:column1') # Press ENTER after setting the value. window.set_value('console.txt', locator='type:Edit name:"File name:"', enter=True) # Add newline (manually) at the end of the string. element = window.find('name:"Text Editor"') element.set_value(r'abc # Add newline with parameter. element.set_value('abc', newline=True) # Validation disabled. element.set_value('2nd line', append=True, newline=True, validator=None)


from robocorp import windows window = windows.find_window('Document - WordPad') element = window.find('Rich Text Window') element.set_value(value="My text", send_keys_fallback=True) text = element.get_value(elem) print(text) [**Link to source**]( ```python set_value( value: str, append: bool = False, enter: bool = False, newline: bool = False, send_keys_fallback: bool = True, validator: Optional[Callable] = _SentinelValidator, locator: Optional[str] = None, search_depth: int = 8, timeout: Optional[float] = None ) → ControlElement


This method may be called to update the cached coordinates of the control bounds.

Link to source

update_geometry() → None

Class Desktop

The desktop is the control, containing other top-level windows.

The elements provided by robocorp-windows are organized as: Desktop (root control)WindowElement (top-level windows)ControlElement (controls inside a window)


Link to source

__init__() → None


  • automation_id

Returns: The automation id of the underlying control wrapped in this class (matches the locator automationid or id).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned.

  • bottom

Returns: The bottom bound of the control (-1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.

  • class_name

Returns: The class name of the underlying control wrapped in this class (matches the locator class).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned.

  • control_type

Returns: The control type of the underlying control wrapped in this class (matches the locator control or type).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned.

  • handle

Returns: The internal native window handle from the control wrapped in this class.

  • height

Returns: The height of the control (-1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.

  • left

Returns: The left bound of the control (-1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.

  • name

Returns: The name of the underlying control wrapped in this class (matches the locator name).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned.

  • path

Provides the relative path in which this element was found

Note: this is relative to the element which was used for the find or find_window and cannot be used as an absolute path to be used to find the control from the desktop.

  • rectangle

Returns: A tuple with (left, top, right, bottom) -- (all -1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.

  • right

Returns: The right bound of the control (-1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.

  • top

Returns: The top bound of the control (-1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.

  • ui_automation_control

Provides the Control actually wrapped by this ControlElement. Can be used as an escape hatch if some functionality is not directly covered by this class (in general this API should only be used if a better API isn't directly available in the ControlElement).

  • width

Returns: The width of the control (-1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.

  • xcenter

Returns: The x position of the center of the control (-1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.

  • ycenter

Returns: The y position of the center of the control (-1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.



Closes the windows matching the given locator.

Note that by default the process tree will be force-killed by using the pid associated to the window. use_close_button can be set to True to try to close it by clicking on the close button (in this case any confirmation dialog must be explicitly handled).


  • locator: The locator which should be used to find windows to be closed.

  • search_depth: The search depth to be used to find windows (by default equals 1, meaning that only top-level windows will be closed). Note that windows are closed by force-killing the pid related to the window.

  • timeout: The search for a window with the given locator will be retried until the given timeout (in seconds) elapses. At least one full search up to the given depth will always be done and the timeout will only take place afterwards (if wait_for_window is True). Only used if wait_for_window is True. If not given the global config timeout will be used.

  • wait_for_window: If True windows this method will keep searching for windows until a window is found or until the timeout is reached (an ElementNotFound is raised if no window was found until the timeout is reached, otherwise an empty list is returned).

  • wait_time: A time to wait after closing each window.

  • use_close_button: If True tries to close the window by searching for a button with the locator: 'control:ButtonControl name:Close' and clicking on it (in this case any confirmation dialog must be explicitly handled).

  • close_button_locator: Only used if use_close_button is True. This is the locator to be used to find the close button.

Returns: The number of closed windows.


  • ElementNotFound: if wait_for_window is True and the timeout was reached.

Link to source

close_windows( locator: str, search_depth: int = 1, timeout: Optional[float] = None, wait_for_window: bool = False, wait_time: Optional[float] = 0, use_close_button: bool = False, close_button_locator: str = 'control:ButtonControl name:Close' ) → int


Drag and drop the source element into target element.


  • source: Source element for the operation.
  • target: Target element for the operation
  • speed: The speed at which the mouse should move to make the drag (1 means regular speed, values bigger than 1 mean that the mouse should move faster and values lower than 1 mean that the mouse should move slower).
  • hold_ctrl: Whether the Ctrl key should be hold while doing the drag and drop (on some cases this means that a copy of the item should be done).
  • wait_time: Time to wait after drop, defaults to 1.0 second.


# Get the opened explorer on the c:\temp folder from robocorp import windows explorer1 = windows.find_window(r'name:C: emp executable:explorer.exe') explorer2 = windows.find_window(r'name:C: emp2 executable:explorer.exe') # copying a file, report.html, from source (File Explorer) window # into a target (File Explorer) Window report_html = explorer1.find('name:report.html type:ListItem') items_view = explorer2.find('name:"Items View"') explorer.drag_and_drop(report_html, items_view, hold_ctrl=True)

Link to source

drag_and_drop( source: 'ControlElement', target: 'ControlElement', speed: float = 1.0, hold_ctrl: Optional[bool] = False, wait_time: float = 1.0 )


Finds windows matching the given locator.


  • locator: The locator which should be used to find a window.

  • search_depth: The search depth to be used to find the window (by default equals 1, meaning that only top-level windows will be found).

  • timeout: The search for a child with the given locator will be retried until the given timeout (in seconds) elapses. At least one full search up to the given depth will always be done and the timeout will only take place afterwards. If not given the global config timeout will be used.

  • wait_time: The time to wait after the windows was found. If not given the global config wait_time will be used.

  • foreground: If True the matched window will be made the foreground window.

  • raise_error: Do not raise and return None when this is set to True and such a window isn't found.

Raises: ElementNotFound if a window with the given locator could not be found.

Link to source

find_window( locator: str, search_depth: int = 1, timeout: Optional[float] = None, wait_time: Optional[float] = None, foreground: bool = True, raise_error: bool = True ) → Optional[ForwardRef('WindowElement')]


Finds windows matching the given locator.


  • locator: The locator which should be used to find windows (if not given, all windows are returned).

  • search_depth: The search depth to be used to find windows (by default equals 1, meaning that only top-level windows will be found).

  • timeout: The search for a child with the given locator will be retried until the given timeout (in seconds) elapses. At least one full search up to the given depth will always be done and the timeout will only take place afterwards. If not given the global config timeout will be used. Only used if wait_for_window is True.

  • wait_for_window: Defines whether the search should keep on searching until a window with the given locator is found (note that if True and no window was found a ElementNotFound is raised).

Returns: The WindowElements which should be used to interact with the window.


window = find_windows('Calculator') window = find_windows('name:Calculator') window = find_windows('subname:Notepad') window = find_windows('regex:.*Notepad') window = find_windows('executable:Spotify.exe')

Link to source

find_windows( locator: str, search_depth: int = 1, timeout: Optional[float] = None, wait_for_window: bool = False ) → List[ForwardRef('WindowElement')]


Windows only utility which returns the current Windows major version.

Returns: The current Windows major version (i.e.: '10', '11').

Link to source

get_win_version() → str


Iterates over all of the children of this element up to the max_depth provided.


  • max_depth: the maximum depth which should be iterated to.

Returns: An iterator of ControlElement which provides the descendants ofthis element.


Iteration over too many items can be slow. Try to keep the max depth up to a minimum to avoid slow iterations.

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iter_children(max_depth: int = 1) → Iterator[ForwardRef('ControlElement')]


Print a tree of control elements.

A Windows application structure can contain multilevel element structure. Understanding this structure is crucial for creating locators. (based on controls' details and their parent-child relationship)

This keyword can be used to output logs of application's element structure.

The printed element attributes correspond to the values that may be used to create a locator to find the actual wanted element.


  • stream: The stream to which the text should be printed (if not given, sys.stdout is used).

  • show_properties: Whether the properties of each element should be printed (off by default as it can be considerably slower and makes the output very verbose).

  • max_depth: Up to which depth the tree should be printed.


Print the top-level window elements:

from robocorp import windows windows.desktop().print_tree()


Print the tree starting at some other element:

from robocorp import windows windows.find_window("Calculator").find("path:2|3").print_tree()

Link to source

print_tree( stream=None, show_properties: bool = False, max_depth: int = 1 ) → None


Waits for a window with the given locator to be made active.


  • locator: The locator that the active window must match.
  • timeout: Timeout (in seconds) to wait for a window with the given locator to be made active.
  • wait_time: A time to wait after the active window is found.

Raises: ElementNotFound if no window was found as active until the timeoutwas reached.

Note: if there's a matching window which matches the locator but it's not the active one, this will fail (consider using find_windowfor this use case).

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wait_for_active_window( locator: str, timeout: Optional[float] = None, wait_time: Optional[float] = None ) → WindowElement


Use Windows Run window to launch an application.

Activated by pressing Win + R. Then the app name is typed in and finally the "Enter" key is pressed.


  • text: Text to enter into the Run input field. (e.g. Notepad)
  • wait_time: Time to sleep after the searched app is executed. (1s by default)

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windows_run(text: str, wait_time: float = 1) → None


Use Windows search window to launch application.

Activated by pressing win + s.


  • text: Text to enter into search input field (e.g. Notepad)
  • wait_time: sleep time after search has been entered (default 3.0 seconds)

Link to source

windows_search(text: str, wait_time: float = 3.0) → None

Class str

str(object='') -> str str(bytes_or_buffer[, encoding[, errors]]) -> str

Create a new string object from the given object. If encoding or errors is specified, then the object must expose a data buffer that will be decoded using the given encoding and error handler. Otherwise, returns the result of object.str() (if defined) or repr(object). encoding defaults to sys.getdefaultencoding(). errors defaults to 'strict'.

Class WindowElement

Class used to interact with a window.


Link to source

__init__(wrapped: '_UIAutomationControlWrapper')


  • automation_id

Returns: The automation id of the underlying control wrapped in this class (matches the locator automationid or id).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned.

  • bottom

Returns: The bottom bound of the control (-1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.

  • class_name

Returns: The class name of the underlying control wrapped in this class (matches the locator class).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned.

  • control_type

Returns: The control type of the underlying control wrapped in this class (matches the locator control or type).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned.

  • executable

Returns: The executable associated to this window (or None if it was not possible to get it).

  • handle

Returns: The internal native window handle from the control wrapped in this class.

  • height

Returns: The height of the control (-1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.

  • left

Returns: The left bound of the control (-1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.

  • name

Returns: The name of the underlying control wrapped in this class (matches the locator name).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned.

  • path

Provides the relative path in which this element was found

Note: this is relative to the element which was used for the find or find_window and cannot be used as an absolute path to be used to find the control from the desktop.

  • pid

Provides the pid of the process related to the Window.

Raises: COMError if the window was already disposed.

  • rectangle

Returns: A tuple with (left, top, right, bottom) -- (all -1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.

  • right

Returns: The right bound of the control (-1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.

  • top

Returns: The top bound of the control (-1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.

  • ui_automation_control

Provides the Control actually wrapped by this ControlElement. Can be used as an escape hatch if some functionality is not directly covered by this class (in general this API should only be used if a better API isn't directly available in the ControlElement).

  • width

Returns: The width of the control (-1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.

  • xcenter

Returns: The x position of the center of the control (-1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.

  • ycenter

Returns: The y position of the center of the control (-1 if invalid).


This value is cached when the element is created and even if the related value of the underlying control changes the initial value found will still be returned. The method update_geometry() may be used to get the new bounds of the control.



Closes the windows matching the given locator.

Note that by default the process tree will be force-killed by using the pid associated to this window. use_close_button can be set to True to try to close it by clicking on the close button (in this case any confirmation dialog must be explicitly handled).


  • use_close_button: If True tries to close the window by searching for a button with the locator: 'control:ButtonControl name:Close' and clicking on it (in this case any confirmation dialog must be explicitly handled).

  • close_button_locator: Only used if use_close_button is True. This is the locator to be used to find the close button.

Returns: True if the window was closed by this function and False otherwise.

Link to source

close_window( use_close_button: bool = False, close_button_locator: str = 'control:ButtonControl name:Close' ) → bool


Find a child window of this window given its locator.


  • locator: The locator which should be used to find a child window.

  • search_depth: The search depth to be used to find the window.

  • timeout: The search for a child with the given locator will be retried until the given timeout (in seconds) elapses. At least one full search up to the given depth will always be done and the timeout will only take place afterwards. If not given the global config timeout will be used.

  • wait_time: The time to wait after the window was found. If not given the global config wait_time will be used.

  • foreground: If True the matched window will be made the foreground window.

  • raise_error: Do not raise and return None when this is set to True and such a window isn't found.

Raises: ElementNotFound if a window with the given locator could not befound.


from robocorp import windows sage = windows.find_window('subname:"Sage 50" type:Window') # actions on the main application window # ... # get control of child window of Sage application child_window = sage.find_child_window('subname:"Test Company" depth:1')

Link to source

find_child_window( locator: str, search_depth: int = 8, foreground: bool = True, wait_time: Optional[float] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, raise_error: bool = True ) → Optional[ForwardRef('WindowElement')]


Bring this window to the foreground (note: find_window makes the window the foreground window by default).


from robocorp import windows calculator = windows.find_window('Calculator', foreground=False) ... calculator.foreground_window()

Link to source

foreground_window() → WindowElement


Returns: True if this is currently the active window and False otherwise.

Link to source

is_active() → bool


Returns: True if the pid associated to this window is still running and False otherwise.

Link to source

is_running() → bool


Maximizes the window.

Returns: True if it was possible to maximize the window and False otherwise.


from robocorp import windows windows.find_window('executable:Spotify.exe').maximize_window()

Link to source

maximize_window() → bool


Maximizes the window.

Returns: True if it was possible to minimize the window and False otherwise.


from robocorp import windows windows.find_window('executable:Spotify.exe').minimize_window()

Link to source

minimize_window() → bool


Restores the window.

Returns: True if it was possible to restore the window and False otherwise.


from robocorp import windows windows.find_window('executable:Spotify.exe').restore_window()

Link to source

restore_window() → bool


Sets the window position.


  • x: The x-coordinate of the window.
  • y: The y-coordinate of the window.
  • width: The width of the window.
  • height: The height of the window.


from robocorp import windows desktop = windows.desktop() explorer = windows.find_window('executable:explorer.exe') # Set the size of the window to be half of the screen. explorer.set_window_pos(0, 0, desktop.width / 2, desktop.height)

Link to source

set_window_pos(x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int) → WindowElement



Action is not possible for the given Control.


The existing element was disposed and is no longer available.


No matching elements were found.


The locator specified is invalid.


A given strategy is defined more than once in the same level.


The locator specified is invalid because it was not possible to parse it properly.


Link to source

__init__(msg, index)