
module RPA.Exchange

class RPA.Email.Exchange.Exchange

Exchange(vault_name: Optional[str] = None, vault_token_key: Optional[str] = None, tenant: Optional[str] = None)

Exchange is a library for sending, reading, and deleting emails. Exchange is interfacing with Exchange Web Services (EWS).

For more information about server settings, see this Microsoft support article.


Robot Framework


from RPA.Email.Exchange import Exchange from RPA.Robocorp.Vault import Vault vault_name = "email_oauth_microsoft" secrets = Vault().get_secret(vault_name) ex_account = "ACCOUNT_NAME" mail = Exchange( vault_name=vault_name, vault_token_key="token", tenant="ztzvn.onmicrosoft.com" ) mail.authorize( username=ex_account, is_oauth=True, client_id=secrets["client_id"], client_secret=secrets["client_secret"], token=secrets["token"] ) mail.send_message( recipients="RECIPIENT", subject="Message from RPA Python", body="RPA Python message body", )


The OAuth2 flow is the only way of authorizing at the moment as Microsoft disabled entirely the usage of passwords, even App Passwords. And since you have to work with tokens now and because this library has the capability to automatically refresh an expired token, please don’t forget to initialize the library with the following parameters: vault_name, vault_token_key and tenant.

Learn more on how to use the OAuth2 flow in this Portal robot example-oauth-email.

About criterion parameter

Following table shows possible criterion keys that can be used to filter emails. There apply to all keywords which have criterion parameter.

KeyEffective search
subjectsubject to match
subject_containssubject to contain
bodybody to match
body_containsbody to contain
sendersender (from) to match
sender_containssender (from) to contain
beforereceived time before this time
afterreceived time after this time
betweenreceived time between start and end
categorycategories to match
category_containscategories to contain
importanceimportance to match

Keys before, after and between at the moment support two different timeformats either %d-%m-%Y %H:%M or %d-%m-%Y. These keys also support special string NOW which can be used especially together with keyword Wait for message criterion=after:NOW.

When giving time which includes hours and minutes then the whole time string needs to be enclosed into single quotes.

before:25-02-2022 after:NOW between:'31-12-2021 23:50 and 01-01-2022 00:10'

Different criterion keys can be combined.

subject_contains:'new year' between:'31-12-2021 23:50 and 01-01-2022 00:10'

Please note that all values in the criterion that contain spaces need to be enclosed within single quotes.

In the following example the email subject is going to matched only against new not new year.

subject_contains:new year





variable TO_PROTECT

TO_PROTECT = ['authorize', 'get_oauth_token', 'refresh_oauth_token']

method authorize

authorize(username: str, password: Optional[str] = None, autodiscover: bool = True, access_type: Union[AccessType, str] = AccessType.DELEGATE, server: Optional[str] = None, primary_smtp_address: Optional[str] = None, is_oauth: bool = False, client_id: Optional[str] = None, client_secret: Optional[str] = None, token: Optional[dict] = None)

Connect to Exchange account

  • username – account username
  • password – account password (can be skipped with OAuth2)
  • autodiscover – use autodiscover or set it off (on by default)
  • access_type – default β€œDELEGATE”, other option β€œIMPERSONATION”
  • server – required for configuration setting (with autodiscover off)
  • primary_smtp_address – by default set to username, but can be set to be different from username
  • is_oauth – use the OAuth2 authorization code flow (instead of basic auth)
  • client_id – registered application ID
  • client_secret – registered application secret (password)
  • token – contains access and refresh tokens, type, scope, expiry etc.

method create_folder

create_folder(folder_name: str, parent_folder: Optional[str] = None)

Create email folder.

  • folder_name – name for the new folder (required)
  • parent_folder – name for the parent folder, by default INBOX

method delete_folder

delete_folder(folder_name: str, parent_folder: Optional[str] = None)

Delete email folder.

  • folder_name – current folder name (required)
  • parent_folder – name for the parent folder, by default INBOX

method delete_message

delete_message(message: Dict)

Delete message.

  • Parameters: message – dictionary containing message details

method empty_folder

empty_folder(folder_name: str, parent_folder: Optional[str] = None, delete_sub_folders: Optional[bool] = False)

Empty email folder of all items

  • folder_name – current folder name (required)
  • parent_folder – name for the parent folder, by default INBOX
  • delete_sub_folders – delete sub folders or not, by default False
  • Returns: True if operation was successful, False if not

method forward_message

forward_message(message: Dict, recipients: Union[str, List])

Forward message.

  • message – dictionary containing message details
  • recipients – email address or list of email addresses

method generate_oauth_url

generate_oauth_url(client_id: str)

Generates an authorization URL which must be opened by the user to start the OAuth2 flow and obtain an authorization code as response.

  • Parameters: client_id – Client app ID. (generated by the provider)
  • Returns: Authorization URL string not containing any sensitive info in it.

Example: Robot Framework

method get_oauth_token

get_oauth_token(client_secret: str, response_url: str)

Exchanges the code obtained previously with Generate OAuth URL for a token.

  • client_secret – Client app secret. (generated by the provider)
  • response_url – The final URL containing the authorization code found in the address bar after authenticating and authorizing the Client app through the authorization URL.
  • Returns: A dictionary containing the access & refresh token, plus metadata.

Example: Robot Framework

method list_messages

list_messages(folder_name: Optional[str] = None, criterion: Optional[str] = None, contains: Optional[bool] = False, count: Optional[int] = 100, save_dir: Optional[str] = None, items_only: Optional[bool] = False)

List messages in the account inbox. Order by descending received time.

  • folder_name – name of the email folder, default INBOX
  • criterion – list messages matching criterion
  • contains – if matching should be done using contains matching and not equals matching, default False is means equals matching
  • count – number of messages to list
  • save_dir – set to path where attachments should be saved, default None (attachments are not saved)
  • items_only – return only list of Message objects (instead of dictionaries)

method list_unread_messages

list_unread_messages(folder_name: Optional[str] = None, criterion: Optional[str] = None, contains: Optional[bool] = False, count: Optional[int] = 100, save_dir: Optional[str] = None)

List unread messages in the account inbox. Order by descending received time.

  • folder_name – name of the email folder, default INBOX
  • criterion – list messages matching criterion
  • contains – if matching should be done using contains matching and not equals matching, default False is means equals matching
  • count – number of messages to list
  • save_dir – set to path where attachments should be saved, default None (attachments are not saved)

method move_message

move_message(msg: Optional[dict], target: Optional[str])

Move a message into target folder

  • msg – dictionary of the message
  • target – path to target folder
  • Raises: AttributeError – if msg is not a dictionary containing id and changekey attributes

method move_messages

move_messages(criterion: Optional[str] = '', source: Optional[str] = None, target: Optional[str] = None, contains: Optional[bool] = False)

Move message(s) from source folder to target folder

  • criterion – move messages matching this criterion
  • source – source folder
  • target – target folder
  • contains – if matching should be done using contains matching and not equals matching, default False is means equals matching
  • Returns: boolean result of operation, True if 1+ items were moved else False

Criterion examples:

method refresh_oauth_token

refresh_oauth_token(client_id: str, client_secret: str, token: dict)

Refreshes the token as the access one usually expires after 1h and the refresh one never expires. (as long as it doesn’t get revoked)

  • client_id – Client app ID. (generated by the provider)
  • client_secret – Client app secret. (generated by the provider)
  • token – Full token dictionary previously obtained with Get OAuth Token.
  • Returns: A token dictionary containing a new access token and updated metadata.

Example: Robot Framework

method rename_folder

rename_folder(oldname: str, newname: str, parent_folder: Optional[str] = None)

Rename email folder

  • oldname – current folder name
  • newname – new name for the folder
  • parent_folder – name for the parent folder, by default INBOX
  • Returns: True if operation was successful, False if not

method save_attachments

save_attachments(message: Union[dict, str], save_dir: Optional[str] = None, attachments_from_emls: bool = False, overwrite: bool = False)

Save attachments from message into given directory.

  • message – dictionary or .eml file path containing message details
  • save_dir – file path where attachments will be saved
  • attachments_from_emls – pass True if the attachment is an EML file (for saving attachments from that EML file instead), False otherwise (default)
  • overwrite – overwrite existing downloaded attachments with the same name if set to True, False otherwise (default)
  • Returns: list of saved attachments

method save_message

save_message(message: dict, filename: str)

Save email as .eml file.

  • message – dictionary containing message details
  • filename – name of the file to save message into

method send_message

send_message(recipients: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, subject: Optional[str] = '', body: Optional[str] = '', attachments: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, html: Optional[bool] = False, images: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, cc: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, bcc: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, save: Optional[bool] = False, reply_to: Optional[str] = None)

Keyword for sending message through connected Exchange account.

  • recipients – list of email addresses
  • subject – message subject, defaults to β€œβ€
  • body – message body, defaults to β€œβ€
  • attachments – list of filepaths to attach, defaults to None
  • html – if message content is in HTML, default False
  • images – list of filepaths for inline use, defaults to None
  • cc – list of email addresses
  • bcc – list of email addresses
  • save – is sent message saved to Sent messages folder or not, defaults to False
  • reply_to – email address to reply to

Email addresses can be prefixed with ex: to indicate an Exchange account address.

At least one target needs to exist for recipients, cc or bcc.

method send_reply_message

send_reply_message(message: Union[Message, str], body: str, subject: Optional[str] = None, reply_all: bool = False)

Send reply to a message.

  • message – either Message object or ID of the message for the message which this is replying to
  • body – message body for the reply
  • subject – optional subject for the reply, defaults to None
  • reply_all – if True then reply is sent to all recipients, defaults to False

Robot Framework example

method wait_for_message

wait_for_message(criterion: Optional[str] = '', timeout: Optional[float] = 5.0, interval: Optional[float] = 1.0, contains: Optional[bool] = False, save_dir: Optional[str] = None)

Wait for email matching criterion to arrive into INBOX.

  • criterion – wait for message matching criterion
  • timeout – total time in seconds to wait for email, defaults to 5.0
  • interval – time in seconds for new check, defaults to 1.0 (minimum)
  • contains – if matching should be done using contains matching and not equals matching, default False is means equals matching THIS PARAMETER IS DEPRECATED AS OF rpaframework 12.9.0
  • save_dir – set to path where attachments should be saved, default None (attachments are not saved)
  • Returns: list of messages