Tutorials and examples to get started with Automation Development with Robocorp.
Step-by-step guide on how to import all workspace's process run data from Control Room to Excel using the API.
This is an example how to set your Rasa chatbot up to be able to trigger the execution of Robocorp digital workers, and how the robot is able to return it's results back to the conversation.
How to develop and debug Playwright-based robots in Visual Studio Code using Robocorp Code extension.
Changing the browser default download location with the RPA.Browser.Playwright and RPA.Browser.Selenium libraries.
Use the Authenticator to handle Google's 2-step verification in your robot code
The art of helping your robot to find forms to fill in and buttons to click on in web applications.
Learn the ropes of web browser automation to log into applications, fill forms, download files and more. Explore automation for Chrome, Safari and Firefox.
Click on an element if it appears. Ignore if not!
How to span your robot over multiple browser windows.
Enhance the reliability of your browser based automation processes by using Playwright with RPAFramework.
Creating a software robot to solve the form challenge at rpachallenge.com
Working with forms inside and outside of an iframe.
How to automate dropdown elements in webpages.
Learn how to take over control of your already running browser with your rpaframework automation scripts using the `Attach Chrome Browser` keyword.