Control Room audit log
Overview of the audit log feature
Addressing compliance needs and providing traceability. The audit log feature can be found under the organization settings or under individual workspace settings. The organization view shows everything happening under the entire organization while the workspace view collects a subset of these events that relate to that particular workspace.
Each audit log event is composed of event type, resource type, resource name and actor. This aims to answer the question: Who did what, when and to what? Some events also show what was changed as a result of an action. This is indicated by an infomation icon in the table row.
Different actor types
Action was initiated by user within the organization or workspace. User email and full name are listed.
Workspace key
Action was initiated by a workspace API key. Workspace key name is listed.
Step run or Assistant run
Action was initiated by a robot.
System service
Action was initiated by Control Room. In some cases this might be a consequence of a user action.
Robocorp Admin
Action was initiated by a member of Robocorp customer success team. For example, customer success contact enabling a non self-service billing tier.
List of supported events
Event Type | Name | Additional Information |
ActivityTemplateCreated | Task package created | |
ActivityTemplateDeleted | Task package deleted | |
ActivityTemplateFileUpdated | Task package file updated | |
ActivityTemplateUpdated | Task package metadata updated | |
AssetCreated | Workspace asset item created | |
AssetDeleted | Workspace asset item deleted | |
AssetUpdated | Workspace asset item updated | |
AssistantCreated | Assistant created | |
AssistantDeleted | Assistant deleted | |
AssistantRunLimitHit | Assistant run limit hit | |
AssistantRunStarted | Assistant run started | |
AssistantRunsUsed | Assistant run used | |
AssistantRunWarning | Assistant runs warning sent | |
AssistantUpdated | Assistant updated | |
AuditProcessRunCompletionRequested | Process run completion requested | |
AuditProcessRunDeleted | Process run deleted | |
AuditProcessRunStarted | Process run started | |
AuditProcessRunStopRequested | Process run stop requested | |
AuditProcessRunViewed | Process run viewed | |
BillingDataModified | Billing data updated | |
EnvironmentGroupCreated | Worker group created | |
EnvironmentGroupDeleted | Worker group deleted | |
EnvironmentGroupUpdated | Worker group updated | |
EnvironmentLinkTokenCreated | Worker link token created | |
IntegrationAdded | Integration added | |
IntegrationRemoved | Integration removed | |
IntegrationUpdated | Integration updated | |
OnDemandAssistantRunsDisabled | On-Demand assistant runs disabled | |
OnDemandAssistantRunsEnabled | On-Demand assistant runs enabled or modified | |
OnDemandMinutesDisabled | On-Demand minutes disabled | |
OnDemandMinutesEnabled | On-Demand minutes enabled or modified | |
OrganizationAuditLogExported | Organization audit log exported | |
OrganizationAuditLogViewed | Organization audit log viewed | |
OrganizationCreated | Organization created | |
OrganizationInviteSent | User invited to organization | |
OrganizationMemberRemoved | Organization user removed | User was either removed or they left on their own. |
OrganizationUpdated | Organization updated | |
OrganizationUserRoleChanged | Organization User Role Changed | Triggered when a user's organization role is changed. Updated details are available, showing the previous user role and what it was updated to. |
PaymentMethodDeleted | Payment method deleted | |
PaymentMethodUpdated | Payment method updated | |
ProcessCreated | Process created | |
ProcessDeleted | Process deleted | |
ProcessUpdated | Process updated | |
ProcessScheduleCreated | Process schedule created | |
ProcessScheduleUpdated | Process schedule updated | |
ProcessScheduleDeleted | Process schedule deleted | |
RbacSSORuleCreated | SSO group access rule created | Role-Based Access Control with Single Sign-On, rule created |
RbacSSORuleDeleted | SSO group access rule deleted | Role-Based Access Control with Single Sign-On, rule deleted |
RbacSSORuleUpdated | SSO group access rule modified | Role-Based Access Control with Single Sign-On, rule modified |
RunMinuteLimitHit | Run minute limit hit | |
RunMinutesUsed | Run minutes used | |
RunMinuteUsageWarning | Run minutes warning sent | |
SubscriptionPlanChanged | Subscription plan changed | Triggered when organization subscription plan changes. Updated details are available, showing the previous plan and what it was updated to. |
SubscriptionRenewed | Subscription renewed | |
UserLoggedIn | User logged in | |
UserLoggedOut | User logged out | |
VaultSecretAccessed | Vault Secret accessed | Triggered when a robot requests the secret or when user opens the editing view in Control Room. |
VaultSecretCreated | Vault Secret created or updated | |
VaultSecretDeleted | Vault secret deleted | |
WebhookCreated | Webhook created | |
WebhookDeleted | Webhook deleted | |
WebhookInvoked | Webhook invoked | |
WebhookUpdated | Webhook updated | |
WebhookViewed | Webhook secret viewed | Triggered when user views the webhook - secret by pressing the eye icon. |
WorkerCreated | Worker created | |
WorkerDeleted | Worker deleted | |
WorkerUpdated | Worker updated | |
WorkspaceAuditLogExported | Workspace audit log exported | |
WorkspaceAuditLogViewed | Workspace audit log viewed | |
WorkspaceCreated | Workspace created | |
WorkspaceDataDeleted | Workspace data deleted | |
WorkspaceDeleted | Workspace deleted | |
WorkspaceInvitationCreated | User invited to workspace | |
WorkspaceKeyCreated | API Key created | |
WorkspaceKeyDeleted | API Key deleted | |
WorkspaceKeyUpdated | API Key updated | |
WorkspaceKeyViewed | API Key secret viewed | Triggered when user views the workspace API key - secret by pressing the eye icon. |
WorkspaceUpdated | Workspace updated | |
WorkspaceUserRemoved | Workspace user removed | |
WorkspaceUserRoleChanged | Workspace User Role Changed | Triggered when a user's workspace role is changed. Updated details are available, showing the previous user role and what it was updated to. |